In a study by López-Sánchez and collaborators published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology with Children and Adolescents, the personality profiles of adolescents with anxiety disorders (AD) are explored in comparison with the general population (PG). Personality, that background that influences thoughts, feelings and behaviors, is key in psychopathology!

1. Analyze differences between adolescents with TA and PG in personality profiles (PRP) according to the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI).
2. Identify the simplest PRP model to predict TA.

• Random sampling of adolescents in PG (n = 461) and consecutive sampling of patients with AD according to DSM-5 (n = 77).
• Instruments: MACI and Adolescent Symptom Inventory.

• PRP Introverted, Inhibited, Pessimistic, Submissive, Oppositional, Self-punitive and Limits more present in TA.
• Histrionic and Egocentric PRP more present in PG.
• More parsimonious model of PRP predictor of TA: older age and more borderline and less rebellious PRP.

This study offers a novel vision of PRPs in AD, opening the door to clinical research that integrates personality into the complexity of the disorder. Discover more about how personality influences emotional disorders
