A recent study carried out by Jan Ivern, Jordi Royo-Isach, Isabel Busquets, Xavier Carbonell, Arnau Carmona, Iván Bonilla, Ignasi
Ivern, and Carolina Palma has highlighted the significant lack of knowledge that parents have about their adolescent children’s drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research, which surveyed 1,500 parents about their children’s tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use (n = 1,927), reveals worrying and surprising data.

The study shows that, despite intensified parental supervision during lockdown, parents remained unaware of their children’s drug habits, especially their daughters. Tobacco was the most consumed substance and the only one that did not show a significant reduction during confinement. In comparison, alcohol and cannabis consumption decreased markedly during the quarantine period, particularly among men and adolescents who were not studying.

Furthermore, research highlights that drug use is more common among men and adolescents who are not in school, compared to women and students. This finding highlights the importance of educational institutions as a protective factor against substance use during adolescence.

“Our results indicate that schools play a crucial role in preventing drug use among adolescents,” said Jan Ivern, one of the study’s lead authors. “It is essential that parents and educators work together to increase awareness and education about the risks associated with drug use.”

This study provides valuable information for parents, educators and public policy makers, highlighting the need for more effective strategies to monitor and prevent drug use among adolescents, especially in times of crisis such as a pandemic.


Link: https://www.revistapcna.com/sites/default/files/2356_1_0.pdf