This study by AITANA recently published in the journal Studies in Educational Evaluation examines whether a greater degree of implementation fidelity of the Super Skills for Life program is related to its outcomes. Super Skills is a transdiagnostic program for the prevention of emotional problems (anxiety, depression, low self-esteem) in schoolchildren. A total of 119 children from 8 to 12 years old received the intervention. Two groups were compared according to the implementation fidelity of the program: high fidelity (HFG) and low fidelity (LFG). Although children in both groups improved their symptoms after the intervention, the high-fidelity group obtained lower scores in depression, anxiety, total difficulties, and externalizing symptoms, and higher scores in academic and family self-concept than the low-fidelity group. Similar results were obtained one year after receiving the program. Therapeutic programs can therefore offer greater benefits when applied with high fidelity to the original design. See the complete study here.
Un estudio concluye que la mayor adherencia al protocolo terapéutico mejora los efectos en depresión, ansiedad y síntomas externalizados
Jan 15, 2021 | Estudios, Projects, Publications | 0 comments